Contributing Author
Monograph about Luksch/Patel, their artistic work and London-based arts hub ambientTV.NET
Luksch, M., & Patel, M., eds. (2009). Ambient Information Systems. London: AIS. ISSU
Contributing author
Luksch, M.; Patel, M. (2020) ‘To Be Connected: Perspectives on Autonomy and Risk from the Electric Age’. Chapman, A.,Hume, N., Newland, C., eds. Coding and Representation from the Nineteenth Century to the Present: Scrambled Messages. Routledge
Gürses, S., Luksch, M., & Teran, M. (2010). ‘A Trialogue on Interventions in Surveillance Space: Seda Gürses in conversation with Michelle Teran and Manu Luksch’ in Surveillance & Society, Vol. 7, No 2.
Luksch, M. (1994). Signature or Right Thumbprint. Bangkok: Goethe Institute.
Luksch, M., Kunzru, H., ed. (1999). The Guinness Book of The New. London: Guinness Publishing.
Luksch, M. (2000). ‘Virtual Borders or Digital Divide?’ in Lovink, G., ed. net.congestion reader. Amsterdam: De Balie.
Luksch, M. (2008). ‘From social fact to science fiction. The incident in the incidental’ in n.paradoxa, Vol. 22.
Luksch, M. (2010). ‘Moonwalk in EchtZeit’ in Avanessian, A., & Hofmann, F., eds. Raum in den Künsten. Konstruktion, Bewegung, Politik. Tranversale Band 3. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
Luksch, M. (2012). ‘Alltagslabor Function Creep’ in Hartmann, D., Lemke, I., & Nitsche, J., eds. Interventionen. Grenzüberschreitungen in Ästhetik, Politik und Ökonmie. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
Luksch, M. (2017). ‘From the cellar to the cloud: the network-archive as locus of power’ in Dekker, A., ed. Lost and Living (in) Archives. Amsterdam: Valiz.
Luksch, M. (2021). Prediction. Agostinho, Daniela; D’Ignazio, Catherine; Ring, Annie; Thylstrup, Nanna; Veel, Kristin; eds. Uncertain Archives. Critical Keywords for Big Data. MIT Press
Luksch, M., & Medosch, A. (1998). Art Servers Unlimited. London: self-published.
Luksch, M., & Medosch, A. (1999). ‘Apropos Art Servers Unlimited’ in Boyd, F., ed. New Media Culture in Europe. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij De Balie and the Virtual Platform.
Luksch, M., & Medosch, A. (2001). ‘Luksch & Medosch’ in Baumgärtel, T. 2.0. Neue Materialien zur Netkunst. Nürnberg: Verlag für moderne Kunst.
Luksch, M., & Patel, M. (2003). ‘Wearable Computing and Wireless Networks’ in Sotamaa, Y., ed. Cumulus: Value in design: disabling disablement, enabling enablement. Helsinki: University of Art and Design.
Luksch, M., & Patel, M. (2007). ‘ambientTV.NET: You Call It Art’ in Coyer, K., Dowmunt, T., & Fountain, A., eds. The Alternative Media Handbook. London: Routledge.
Luksch, M., & Patel, M. (2007). ‘Chasing the data shadow. A filmmaker’s close-up encounter with the Data Protection Act’ in Stocker, G., & Schöpf, C., eds. Ars Electronica: Goodbye Privacy. Berlin: Hatje Cantz Verlag.
also available online in Variant, no. 31 (2008).
Mansoor, Ahmed, and Luksch, Manu 2017. ‘The last human rights defender in the United Arab Emirates’ An interview with Ahmed Mansoor Surveillance & Society: Surveillance and the Global Turn to Authoritarianism 15(3/4): 596-608
Luksch, M. (2020). ‘Algo-Rhythm’ in Golding, J.; Paganelli, M.; Reinhart, M.; eds Data Loam. Sometimes Hard, Usually Soft. The Future of Knowledge Systems. Edition Angewandte. De Gruyter