
Reclaiming the ‘Smart’ Street, Science Gallery London


Over the last decade, the street has emerged as one of the primary sites where everyday publics encounter AI.  This workshop, hosted by the Science Gallery, will be led by Mukul Patel and Manu Luksch as part of the research project “AI in the Street”, will explore the messy reality of AI in the street and the data infrastructure that it is now entangled with.

Free entry, registration via Eventbrite

Manu Luksch is an artist and filmmaker who interrogates the social, political and ecological ramifications of technology-based notions of progress. Mukul Patel is an intermedia artist whose practice spans writing, computation and installation, alongside composing for dance, film and environments. Luksch and Patel both conduct research at the Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence in Design, Royal College of Art.
Yasmine Boudiaf is an Algerian creative technologist and researcher. Formerly at the Ada Lovelace Institute, she was recognised as one of ‘100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics 2022’.


This workshop is conducted as part of the London Observatory for AI in the Street, a collaborative project funded under the AHRC BRAID (Bridging Responsible AI Divides) programme and organised by King’s College London.